Results of Research 

Cultural Interaction Studies of Sea Port Cities No.11

14 Jan 2019
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*Publisher : Korea Maritime University, Institute of Internation Maritime Affairs

*published date :  October 2014

Forum: Commerce and Business Networks in Sea Port Cities

The Formation of Maritime Route and Use during Koryo and Song Dynasty------ Kim, Kang-Sik 

A Preliminary Study of the Overseas Business Networks of Chinese Merchant in Hong Kong: The Case of Ma Tsui Chiu, 1900s-1940s ----Lee, Pui-Tak

Chinese businessmen in the German-Leased Port City of Qingdao(1897-1914)----------- Zhu, Jian-Jun


The Formation of a Japanese Community and Religion in the Seaport City, Busan: Buddhism and Shrines from the Local and National Perspective ---------------- Kim, Yun-Hwan․Han, Hyun-Suk

British Travellers' Prejudiced Sketch of Buenos Aires as a Seaport City in the Early 19th Century ------------- Lee, Hyub

A Study on the Necessity and a Research Direction of Cultural Interaction Studies on Ships ----------- Choi, Jin-Chul

Sailing Against the Current: The Bi-attribute in Ryukyu from Kisyaba Chouken “Ryukyu Kenbunroku” --------------Li, Yan-Li

Japanese Orientalism and the Representation of Nagasaki: Based on the Analysis of Guidebooks in the Modern Era -----Hayanagi, Kazunori

The Emergence of Tayouan Harbour in 1624: Converged Consequences of Two Remote Wars ----------- Cheng, Wei-Chung

Book Reviews

Philip A. Kun, 『Chinese among Others: Emigration in Modern Times』 --------Nho, Young-Soon


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