Results of Research 

Cultural Interaction Studies of Sea Port Cities No.10

14 Jan 2019
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*Publisher : Korea Maritime University, Institute of Internation Maritime Affairs

*published date :  April 2014

Forum : Social Structure and Cultural Identity in Sea Port Cities

The Kezhans of Sea Port Cities and Shandong People's Immigration to Dongbei in Modern Times ---------------- Kwon, Kyung-Seon

A Cultural Exchange and Human Networking on Port City of East Asia in Early Modern: Focusing on the Trajectory of the Western Merchants at Trading Port in East Asian --------------- Seo, Kwang-Deok

A Study on the Structural Changes of the Japanese Community in Busan and the Responses of the Tsushima People in the Second Half of the 19th Century----------------- Han, Hyun-Suk


Food Culture Acculturation of Sea Port Cities Busan and Incheon ----- Lee, Jong-Soo

Kawakatsu Heita and a History of Maritime Asia ------------------- Lee, Soo-Yeol

Tangier as a Seaport: Labyrinthine Spaces in Paul Bowles󰡑s Novels -------Lee, Hyub

A Study on Imagery and Figuration of the Vietnamese Boat People in Korean Literature-------------- Nho, Young-Soon

A Study about Constructing Desire of Cultural Identity and Mythical Space through The Sea: Focusing on Choi Nam-Sun's ‘The Sea and Chosun Nationality’------------------ Pyo, Jung-Ok

A Study on the Formation and Development of Cross-Border Network among Sea Port Cities in the European Union: From ‘Oresund Region’ to ‘Fehmarn Belt Region’ -------------- Woo, Yang-Ho

Roadmap for Cultural Interaction Studies of Seaport Cities in the Global Age -------Jung, Moon-Soo

Book Reviews

Jung, Moon-Soo(et al), 『Methodology for Cultural Interaction Studies of Sea Port Cities』 --------- Choi, Jin-Chul


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