Results of Research 

Cultural Interaction Studies of Sea Port Cities No.9

14 Jan 2019
Views 246

*Publisher : Korea Maritime University, Institute of Internation Maritime Affairs

*published date :  October 2013

Forum: The Society and Culture of Qingdao, A Modern Sea Port City 

Northeast Asia and the Sea Port City Qingdao ----------- Koo, Ji-Young

A Study on German Journalism in Qingdao, 1898-1914 ------------ Gao, Ying-Ying

Huiquan Beach and Daily Life of Residents in Qingdao -------- Choi, Nack-Min


Consideration on Modern Reorganization of Japanese Colonial Sea Port Cities: Comparative Studies on Busan in Korea and Dalian in China ------ Lee, Sang-Gyun 

A Study of International Model for Cross-Border Cooperation of Sea Port Cities Networks in Northeast Asia: Focusing on Cross-border Region in Korea-Japan Strait Area ------------Woo, Yang-Ho

The Record of Inspection in Japan and the Cultural Contact of Colonial Elite Who Visited to Japan ------------ Jeon, Jae-Jin

Seascape Paintings of Caspar David Friedrich and Impacts of Schleiermacher's Philosophy --------- Park, Min-Soo

A Study on Exotic Cuisines of Seaport Cities with View of Gilles Deleuze: The Record of Speculation for Coincidence, Negotiation and Transition --------- Park, Su-Mi

Characteristics of Seaport in the Classification of Cities --------- An, Mi-Jeong

Book Reviews

Bruce Cumings, 『Dominion from Sea to Sea: Pacific Ascendancy and American Power』------ Lee, Hak-Su


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