*Publisher : Korea Maritime University, Institute of Internation Maritime Affairs
*published date : October 2012
Forum : Sea-port Cities and Memories of Military Port
The Rise of the Chinhae Military Port ---------- Lee, Hak-Su
Defeat and the City of the Dead: In View of BCOF Personnel Occupying Kure and Hiroshima ---------- Hiroshi Nunokawa
Representations of the City of Shanghai Shown in Korean Literature in the 1920s-1930s Era ---------- Choi, Nack-Min
On the Incorporation of the Sea-port Cities in Hainan and Vietnam into the "Japanese New Order Sea-Sphere" ---------- Nho, Young-Soon
Foreign Exchange at South Coast Regions in the Korean Peninsula: Based on the Archaeological Site from Neukdo ---------- Pang, Min-Kyu
A Study on the Preceding Research Related Antagonistic Relationship between Central and Local Government: Performance and Future Challenges ---------- Woo, Yang-Ho
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder of Korea Coast Guard Officers after a Post Traumatic Event ---------- Ha, Sang-Gun․Kim,Jong-Gil․Lee, Jun-Hyoung,
A Study on Concept and Legal Basis of Maritime Police: Comparative Analysis of Korea and China ---------- Yan, Tie-Yi․Kim, Sang-Goo
Book Reviews
Michael Peter Smith, 『Transnational Urbanism: Locating Globalization』 ---------- Park, Min-Soo
*Publisher : Korea Maritime University, Institute of Internation Maritime Affairs
*published date : October 2012
Forum : Sea-port Cities and Memories of Military Port
The Rise of the Chinhae Military Port ---------- Lee, Hak-Su
Defeat and the City of the Dead: In View of BCOF Personnel Occupying Kure and Hiroshima ---------- Hiroshi Nunokawa
Representations of the City of Shanghai Shown in Korean Literature in the 1920s-1930s Era ---------- Choi, Nack-Min
On the Incorporation of the Sea-port Cities in Hainan and Vietnam into the "Japanese New Order Sea-Sphere" ---------- Nho, Young-Soon
Foreign Exchange at South Coast Regions in the Korean Peninsula: Based on the Archaeological Site from Neukdo ---------- Pang, Min-Kyu
A Study on the Preceding Research Related Antagonistic Relationship between Central and Local Government: Performance and Future Challenges ---------- Woo, Yang-Ho
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder of Korea Coast Guard Officers after a Post Traumatic Event ---------- Ha, Sang-Gun․Kim,Jong-Gil․Lee, Jun-Hyoung,
A Study on Concept and Legal Basis of Maritime Police: Comparative Analysis of Korea and China ---------- Yan, Tie-Yi․Kim, Sang-Goo
Book Reviews
Michael Peter Smith, 『Transnational Urbanism: Locating Globalization』 ---------- Park, Min-Soo