Results of Research 

Cultural Interaction Studies of Sea Port Cities No.6

14 Jan 2019
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*Publisher : Korea Maritime University, Institute of Internation Maritime Affairs

*published date :  April 2012

Forum : Socio-Cultural Coexistence and Conflict in Sea Port Cities

The Relationship Between Higashihonganji Busanbetsuin and Japanese Community of Seaport City Busan in Late 19th and Early 20th Century: Focusing on Symbiosis and Conflict ------------------- Kim, Yun-Hwan

A Study on Shandong People's Offshore Migration and Relations with Port Cities in China between the 1900s and the 1930s ---------- Kwon, Kyung-Seon


A Comparative Research on Sea Port Cities Food Culture of Masan, Jeju and Daemado --- Lee, Jong-Soo

A Study for the Preservation and Use of Historical Remains at Open Port City: Focusing on the Cases at Busan and Nagasaki ----------- Kim, Jung-Ha

Lifeworld and Language in the Thinking of Merleau-Ponty and Sociolinguistics: In Relation to the Cultural Interaction Studies of Sea Port Cities ------- Park, Min-Soo / Oh, Mi-Kyoung

A Study on International Cooperation for Safety Management of Seaport of Colombo

--------- Cho, Dong-Oh

A Study on Financial Contribution of Container in Sea Port Cities: Comparative Analysis of Korea Busan Port and China Dalian Port ------ Kim Sang-Goo / Liu Liyan

Concept of Sea-Port City and the Studies of Cultural Interaction of Sea Port City: A Proposal for Agenda ------------- Hyun, Jae-Youl

Special Editorial 

“Vladivostok: From the Fortress City to APEC Summit-2012 Host” ---- Sergey M. Smirnov / Anastasia O. Barannikova

Book Reviews

Kobayashi Masaru, 『Jogppari』 -------- Lee, Soo-Yeol


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