Updates and news
[2023 Spring Joint Conference of Korean Society of Maritime History and IMA]
โ DATE : 2023. 4. 21 14:00-18:00 โ PLACE: : Seminar room 214, KMOU Lifelong Education Center โ Co-

Updates and news
[22nd BADA Humanities Coloquium (Scheduled)]
โ DATE: 2023. 5. 24 (WED) 16:00 โ PLACE: : Meeting room 309, KMOU Lifelong Education Center โ TITL

Updates and news
[21st BADA Humanities Coloquium]

Updates and news
[20th BADA Humanities Coloquium]
โ DATE: 2023. 4. 12 (WED) 11:00 โ PLACE: : Seminar room 214, KMOU Lifelong Education Center โ TITL

Updates and news
[19th BADA Humanities Coloquium]
โ TITLE : Our sea, will we rule? Will we be ruled? โ Lecturer : Kim Yong Hwan (admiral in reserv

Updates and news
[18th BADA Humanities Coloquium]
โ TITLE : Navigation (period) of David Port and its significance โ Lecturer : Noh, Jong Jin (Majo

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[17th BADA Humanities Coloquium]
โ TITLE : Media Hero of the Korean Empire period โ Lecturer : Son Sung-jun (Major of EAST ASIAN ST

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[16th BADA Humanities Coloquium]
โ TITLE : A Corpus Analysis of Voyage Narratives by Captain Porter and Common Sailor Dana Jr. โ Le

Updates and news
[15th BADA Humanities Coloquium]
โ TITLE : The Writer As Activist โ Lecturer : Krys Lee (YONSEI University) โ DATE : 2022. 10. 27.

Updates and news
[14st BADA Humanities Coloquium]
โ TITLE : 2050 Carbon Neutral Roadmap and Implications for Marine Fisheries โ Lecturer : Dong Koo