
[7th Colloquium] "The Sea ports of East Asia and Canton Network in the Transitional Perio

12 Jan 2019

Date2009/11/12 15:00
PlaceKMU Complex Building Seminar room(214)
Theme : "The Sea ports of East Asia and Canton Network in the Transitional Period to the Modern"

Speaker : Kang Jin-A(History Department, Kyung Pook National University)

Report : Prof. Kang emphasized the necessity of reinterpreting East Asia through the Chinese merchant network and introduced the various range of case studies including the Choseon and the overseas Chinese network and Dong Soon Tae(同順泰, one of the major overseas Chinese company) and Canton network. The presenter paid a special attention to the fact that Canton network in Choseon bore political character as well as economical one. In addition, the speaker explained the way the overseas Chinese network transformed geopolitics and sea port cities of East Asia.