Date | April 15-16, 2011 |
Place | Convention Hall, Korea Maritime University |
Host | Institute of International Maritime Affairs (IMA), Korea Maritime University (KMU) |
Supporters | National Research Foundation of Korea |
Content | April 15 (Friday)
Opening Ceremony (09:30 - 10:00) Master of Ceremony : Choi NackMin (Korea Maritime University) Opening Address : Jeong MoonSoo (Korea Maritime University) Congratulations Speech : Oh KeoDon (President of Korea Maritime University)
Keynote Speech (10:20 - 11:00) Keynoter : Haneda Masashi (Tokyo University) Features of Port Cities in the Maritime World of the IndianOcean
Session 1 (11:10 - 12: 10) Moderator : Fujita Hirotsugu (Kobe University) Presenter Jun YoungSeop (Korea Maritime University) The Structure and Characteristics of the Sphere of Transportation in East Asia - With Focus on the Repatriation System of Drifted Person during the 11th~13th Century
Tang ShiYeoung (Academia Sinica) The Formation and Characteristics of Shipwreek Rescue System in the East Asia Seas during the 17th-19th centuries
Lunch (12:10- 14:00) AMP Room. Welfare Building 5F
Session 2 (14:00 ~ 15:00) Moderator : Shyu ShingChing (National Taiwan University) Presenter Lucio Manuel (Tokyo University Historiographical Institute) The Slavery by Portuguese Merchants in Maritime East Asia - 16th and 17th century-
Park MinSoo (Korea Maritime University) Cultural Network in the medieval Baltic area - architectural and artistic exchanges between hanseatic cities
Coffee Break (15:00 -15: 20) Session 3 (15:20 ~ 16:20) Moderator : Qu JinLiang (Ocean University Of China) Presenter Kan HuaiChen (National Taiwan University) Shandong “Haozu” and Sea in Ancient China
Chen Jie (Ocean University Of China) Three Problems for Making Textual Criticism of Route with Archaeological Materials
Coffee Break (16:20 -16:30)
Session4 (16:30 ~ 17:30) Moderator : Yuan Ding (Zhongshan University) Presenter Niu JunKai (Zhongshan University) Resarch on Champa's seaport
Wang Rigen (Xiamen University) On the rise and fall of Yuegang Zhangzhou Moon Port in Ming Dynasty
Welcome Dinner (17:30 - 20:00) International Hall, Korea Maritime University
April 16 (Saturday)
Keynote Speech (09:00 - 09:40) Keynoter : Liu Shih-Chi (Academia Sinica) Traditional Cities and treaty port cities: Characteristics, Variations and Comparision
Coffee Break (09:40 - 10:00)
Session5 (10:00 ~ 11:30) Moderator : Ryoo KyoRyul (Korea Maritime University) Presenter Kim Seung (Korea Maritime University) The Characteristics of Trade Area and Status of Busan Japanese Merchant from 1920's to 1930's
Oshiro Naoki (Kobe University) On Rykyuan-Okinawan positionality in East Asia region Nho YoungSoon (Korea Maritime University) Reexamination of the Implication and Incorporation of Hainan, Saigon and Bangkok into the Sphere of Japan's New World Order from 1939 to 1942
Coffee Break (11:30 - 11:50)
Discussion & Closing Ceremony (11:50 - 12:30) Jeong MoonSoo (Korea Maritime University) Fujita Hirotsugu (Kobe University) Shyu ShingChing (National Taiwan University) Qu JinLiang (Ocean University Of China) Yuan Ding (Zhongshan University) Ryoo KyoRyul (Korea Maritime University)
Lunch (12: 30 - 14:00) AMP Room. Welfare Building 5F
Tour (14:30 - 17:30) Busan Harbor Tour (by Yacht)
Dinner (18:00 - 20:00) Farewell Party (Korean Restaurants in Jungang-dong)
Opening Ceremony (09:30 - 10:00)
Master of Ceremony : Choi NackMin (Korea Maritime University)
Opening Address : Jeong MoonSoo (Korea Maritime University)
Congratulations Speech : Oh KeoDon (President of Korea Maritime University)
Keynote Speech (10:20 - 11:00)
Keynoter : Haneda Masashi (Tokyo University)
Features of Port Cities in the Maritime World of the IndianOcean
Session 1 (11:10 - 12: 10)
Moderator : Fujita Hirotsugu (Kobe University)
Jun YoungSeop (Korea Maritime University)
The Structure and Characteristics of the Sphere of Transportation in East Asia
- With Focus on the Repatriation System of Drifted Person during the 11th~13th Century
Tang ShiYeoung (Academia Sinica)
The Formation and Characteristics of Shipwreek Rescue System in the East Asia Seas
during the 17th-19th centuries
Lunch (12:10- 14:00)
AMP Room. Welfare Building 5F
Session 2 (14:00 ~ 15:00)
Moderator : Shyu ShingChing (National Taiwan University)
Lucio Manuel (Tokyo University Historiographical Institute)
The Slavery by Portuguese Merchants in Maritime East Asia - 16th and 17th century-
Park MinSoo (Korea Maritime University)
Cultural Network in the medieval Baltic area - architectural and artistic exchanges between hanseatic cities
Coffee Break (15:00 -15: 20)
Session 3 (15:20 ~ 16:20)
Moderator : Qu JinLiang (Ocean University Of China)
Kan HuaiChen (National Taiwan University)
Shandong “Haozu” and Sea in Ancient China
Chen Jie (Ocean University Of China)
Three Problems for Making Textual Criticism of Route with Archaeological Materials
Coffee Break (16:20 -16:30)
Session4 (16:30 ~ 17:30)
Moderator : Yuan Ding (Zhongshan University)
Niu JunKai (Zhongshan University)
Resarch on Champa's seaport
Wang Rigen (Xiamen University)
On the rise and fall of Yuegang Zhangzhou Moon Port in Ming Dynasty
Welcome Dinner (17:30 - 20:00)
International Hall, Korea Maritime University
April 16 (Saturday)
Keynote Speech (09:00 - 09:40)
Keynoter : Liu Shih-Chi (Academia Sinica)
Traditional Cities and treaty port cities: Characteristics, Variations and Comparision
Coffee Break (09:40 - 10:00)
Session5 (10:00 ~ 11:30)
Moderator : Ryoo KyoRyul (Korea Maritime University)
Kim Seung (Korea Maritime University)
The Characteristics of Trade Area and Status of Busan Japanese Merchant from 1920's to 1930's
Oshiro Naoki (Kobe University)
On Rykyuan-Okinawan positionality in East Asia region
Nho YoungSoon (Korea Maritime University)
Reexamination of the Implication and Incorporation of Hainan, Saigon and Bangkok into the Sphere of Japan's New World Order from 1939 to 1942
Coffee Break (11:30 - 11:50)
Discussion & Closing Ceremony (11:50 - 12:30)
Jeong MoonSoo (Korea Maritime University)
Fujita Hirotsugu (Kobe University)
Shyu ShingChing (National Taiwan University)
Qu JinLiang (Ocean University Of China)
Yuan Ding (Zhongshan University)
Ryoo KyoRyul (Korea Maritime University)
Lunch (12: 30 - 14:00)
AMP Room. Welfare Building 5F
Tour (14:30 - 17:30)
Busan Harbor Tour (by Yacht)
Dinner (18:00 - 20:00)
Farewell Party (Korean Restaurants in Jungang-dong)